
The watch although I do not know, but the sun was shining pleasantly and small birds were singing in the trees parks.
Итоги сезона for me: Мисси Мисси Хей Хей

@темы: gif, Doctor Who


The watch although I do not know, but the sun was shining pleasantly and small birds were singing in the trees parks.
Спустя еще одну тыщу лет SOI так и не вернулся =( ЙОГСКАСТ, ЗА ЧТО, Я ЖЕ ТУТ ЖДУ ВООБЩЕ-ТО

За окном уже как будто зима

@темы: wut, yogscast, life


The watch although I do not know, but the sun was shining pleasantly and small birds were singing in the trees parks.
Прошла тыща лет в разных планах но я верю в возвращение SOI
Израфель (как смишно его имя пишется) появился в последней йоглабс, и это не может не быть знаком

@темы: yogscast

The watch although I do not know, but the sun was shining pleasantly and small birds were singing in the trees parks.
‘Right, make a note that the planet is called Darkheart; if we learn differently when we arrive, so be it.’ If nothing else, it was a lot quicker to say than ‘unnamed planet that might or might not be there’.

'And I'm the Doctor'
'Doctor who?'
'Oh, didn't you mean Doctor whom? I do hate to be contrary, but...'

читать дальше

@темы: Doctor Who, excerpt, The Dark Path


The watch although I do not know, but the sun was shining pleasantly and small birds were singing in the trees parks.
В фикспрайсе теперь все не по 38, а по 39
и появились какие-то бонусные карты (чтовообще)

тем временем в хитзоне увидел механический карандаш за 250 рублей (чтовообще х2) и мне хочется его купить, что бы узнать, действительно ли он стоит своих денег :D

@темы: life


The watch although I do not know, but the sun was shining pleasantly and small birds were singing in the trees parks.
Приехал к бабушке смотреть что с компьютером > уехал с новой одеждой и на каблуках ( ! )
Бабушка еще и показывала ВСЮ свою обувь, и с каждой решала, подойдет ли она мне

@темы: life



The watch although I do not know, but the sun was shining pleasantly and small birds were singing in the trees parks.

во весь рост

@темы: img, games, Guild Wars


The watch although I do not know, but the sun was shining pleasantly and small birds were singing in the trees parks.

какая же это красивота

@темы: gif, games



The watch although I do not know, but the sun was shining pleasantly and small birds were singing in the trees parks.
"stop playing computer games its a waste of time," i whisper to my sim. i have been sitting in front of my computer for 12 hours.

via tumblr

@темы: games


The watch although I do not know, but the sun was shining pleasantly and small birds were singing in the trees parks.

@темы: img, games, Guild Wars


The watch although I do not know, but the sun was shining pleasantly and small birds were singing in the trees parks.
разбирая скриншотики

@темы: music, img, games, Guild Wars


The watch although I do not know, but the sun was shining pleasantly and small birds were singing in the trees parks.

I'm Dreaming Of A Happy Christmas

A Grass In Time

@темы: wut, Doctor Who, wtff


The watch although I do not know, but the sun was shining pleasantly and small birds were singing in the trees parks.
Shada - охуенная книга. Я очень долго не начинал ее читать, но после книг про Шестого и Пятого читать про Четвертого было очень в тему :DD И боге, это было чудесно, теперь я понимаю почему все ее так хвалят

@темы: Doctor Who


The watch although I do not know, but the sun was shining pleasantly and small birds were singing in the trees parks.
Почему всем нравится Каллен

@темы: gif, games, Dragon Age

The watch although I do not know, but the sun was shining pleasantly and small birds were singing in the trees parks.


@темы: music, lyrics, video, Steampunk


The watch although I do not know, but the sun was shining pleasantly and small birds were singing in the trees parks.
Библионочь - няшнота. И хотя мы все время просидели в зале простимпанк, ничуть не жалею :D Записал парочку книг на погуглить, наслушался про старинную фотографию (и нихрена не понял), и посмотрели аж три старых фильма (ну, один из них был отрывком, но все же).
Опять же спасибо котику >:3 что сходил со мной.
Btw ходить в викторию ночью куда приятнее, чем днем - никаких огромных очередей в кассу :D

@темы: video, life


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The watch although I do not know, but the sun was shining pleasantly and small birds were singing in the trees parks.
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The watch although I do not know, but the sun was shining pleasantly and small birds were singing in the trees parks.
Жи-Ши production - вот это няши.
Записал много полезных советов, попил пеппер и посидел на барном стуле и столе :D

Спасибо котенку <33


@темы: photo, life


The watch although I do not know, but the sun was shining pleasantly and small birds were singing in the trees parks.
Я решил научиться все же есть каши. Полезно же и в жизни пригодится ХД

@темы: life

The watch although I do not know, but the sun was shining pleasantly and small birds were singing in the trees parks.